Name: *



Is this the first time you are taking the quiz? *

Please carefully read each question and select the correct answer.

Volunteer Policies and Procedures

1. Volunteers must sign in before beginning their assignment and sign out after completing it: *

2. Flu shots are available free of charge for all volunteers. *

3. Volunteers do not have to wear photo identification badges while volunteering. *

4. Volunteers are allowed to wear the following while volunteering: *

5. If you will NOT be volunteering for several weeks, you must notify your supervisor and the volunteer office. *

6. If you are sick, notify your supervisor that you will not be coming in to volunteer.*

7. Failure to protect patient confidentiality can lead to legal action, termination, fines, and imprisonment. *

8. It is the policy of UPMC/UPCI to provide a drug-free work environment for everyone. *

9. Workplace violence is defined as any verbal or physical act or threat of violence, including intimidation, harassment, or coercion. *

10. UPMC/UPCI Volunteers should recognize and respect diversity in the workforce and in the population we serve, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status. *

11. The primary goal of the quality improvement process at UPMC/UPCI is to promote and reinforce a culture of continuous improvement. *

12. The purpose of age-specific competencies is to assure that employees and volunteers are competent to provide care and assist or interact in any manner with patients of varying age groups. *

13. Patients, visitors, staff, and fellow volunteers are our customers. *

14. Which of the following customer tips should be followed by employees and volunteers: *

15. Quality patient care is dependent upon each employee and volunteer doing his or her own work as accurately, timely, and cost effectively as possible. *

16. An employee or volunteer who believes that a serious event or incident has occurred must report it to the Patient Safety Officer immediately, but no later than 24 hours. *

17. Volunteers are not permitted to lift a patient in or out of a wheelchair or in or out of a bed. *

18. It is not necessary to engage both brakes and lift foot rests when assisting a patient in or out of a wheelchair. *

19. In what color bag or container do we dispose of biohazardous waste? *

20. MSDS stands for Material Safety Data Sheets which are information sheets containing vital information relating to hazardous chemical products. *

21. In which departments will you find MSDS? *

22. When calling to report an emergency, what information should be communicated? *

23. What is the role of a volunteer during a disaster? *

24. All building occupants should RACE (Rescue, Alarm, Contain, and Extinguish) if a fire is discovered or the smell of smoke is present. *

25. It is okay to use an elevator in the event of a fire. *

26. The four steps in the proper use of a fire extinguisher include: Pull pin, Aim nozzle at the base of a fire, Squeeze extinguisher handle, Sweep from side to side. *

27. A volunteer should know the locations of fire extinguishers and manual pull stations in the building and department that they are volunteering. *