From this page you can launch your career search at UPMC.
- Use the Basic Job Search to find postings by specific key words, posted within various timeframes.
The Keyword search field is a powerful tool that can help you find the exact jobs you are looking for by typing a single word or a phrase. Keyword searches will find jobs which contain matching words or phrases in any searchable job field including the job title and the job description.
- Use the Advanced Job Search to find postings based on criteria such as job opening ID, location of the position, and job category.
- Use the My Applications to view your job application history. You can view past applications submitted within the last three months.
- Use the My Saved Resumes to view you have uploaded/copy and pasted with your job applications.
- Use the My Contact Information to view and/or update your personal contact information.
- Use the My Saved Jobs to save and view your position(s) of interest for future applications.
- Use the My Saved Searches to access and run any previous saved search criteria.
- Use the Logout link to end your session and return to the UPMC Careers homepage.
You will need to apply to at least one position to submit your application and resume to UPMC. (UPMC does not accept unsolicited resumes).
For additional help information, please visit the FAQ link within the Contact Us button located at the top of each webpage.